Hope for Humanity
Al-Ain for Hope Humanity Projects
These are carried out at the time of major natural disasters or catastrophes such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes etc. These are not part of our core objectives. Being a charitable organisation, whenever there is a major natural disaster or catastrophe, we often start receiving donations from our supporters. Any such donation is passed on to the effected people of the disaster or catastrophe. We also work alongside other charitable organisations, providing material and financial support to efficiently distribute any aid received with regards to a disaster or a catastrophe. We are one of the Charities that venture into remote areas, where lots of mainstream charities often hesitate as they are difficult to reach and hence get neglected.
A video below demonstrates the effort made by our trustees here from the UK (Haji Fazel-e-Rabi and Haji Javid Iqbal) and our trustee Asif Hamdani in Pakistan to get the aid to affectees of earthquake disaster of the year 2006 in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir.
I must emphasis that we do not enumerate our trustees in any way, they go there on their own expense. Leaving the comforts of their UK home, endangering their lives for the sake of helping humanity.

Hope for Humanity Activities
There are lots remote areas in Pakistan where people have no means to educate their children. Many of these children are very much capable of achieving higher education, but with no formal primary and secondary education, they often end up as labourers for the rest of their lives and continue to struggle through their lives to support themselves and their families.

Al-Ain, Nottinghamshire Police Aid Convoys and Savanna Rags join hands to deliver 100 Tons of Food Packs and daily essentials to Flood Victims.
Al-Ain Emergency Relief work
Al-Ain continues to support a number of initiatives under the theme of Hope for Humanity. We go into the remote areas of Pakistan, where often other charities hardly reach. In these areas, we often find people living in extreme poverty. There are people who have no means to come out of the poverty loop. Here is a list of Al-Ain Emergency Relief work:
- Earthquake Relief
- Flood Relief
- Shelter Home Distribution
- Holding Medical Camps in effect areas
- Supporting Tent City

The government have the responsibility to provide a roof over every member of society. Unfortunately, when calamities such as earthquake or floods strike and millions of people get displaced, any government would struggle to adequately to support the affected people. This where charities play a vital role in support for victims of these devastating natural disaster. Al-Ain has played its part effectively, our team have been on the ground as a no cost charity and have taken aid to the affected area in some very extreme conditions. Insha'Allah we will continue to play our role to be a hope humanity.

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Hope for Humanity
Please Donate Generously. 100% of YOUR donation will go directly to help support the Hope Hospital
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Support a Free Eye Camp in your village
by calling us on 0115 845 1217