About Al -Ain
Al-Ain International Welfare Trust was established in 2003 with the primary objective of providing free eye care, mainly to those poor people, suffering from treatable blindness and other eye-related diseases. More recently, trustees have extended the objectives to provide for a basic Healthcare and Education in under-developed countries.
Al-Ain International Welfare Trust is a small charity based in Nottingham founded by our chairman Haji Taleh Mehdi. It is building a large charitable hospital called "Hope Hospital" in district Chakwal near the village of Murid in Pakistan.
The charity vision is that no one has to pay for healthcare at the point of delivery. Lots of poor people often lose their loved ones because they cannot pay for medical treatment.
A 40 beds facility (الحمد لله - "all the praises and thanks be to Allah") is now operational with 2 operating theatres; 1 dedicated to eye surgery, a pharmacy and a fully equipped laboratory providing both primary and secondary eye care and GP services.
Our medical team routinely holds FREE medical camps in remote locations in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir allowing us to bring healthcare services to the doorsteps of people who do not have the means of transport.
During 2019 in 6 free camps in remote areas of Pakistan, a team from the Hope Hospital screened nearly 5,000 patients; of which 2,800 had their sight tested, 2,200 patients had a health check and were provided with medicines; We performed 99 cataract surgeries, and gave out 385 reading glasses.
Similarly, ever since we opened the hospital, we have served over 60,000 patients and performed 1000s of cataract-removal operations and this number is continually increasing.
We operate a 100% cash donation policy, all the money donated is used to directly to help those in need and all of our admin costs are covered entirely by our commercial operations.
Our Mission
Al-Ain's mission is to prevent and relieve sickness, to educate and train, including providing assistance with poverty alleviation in Pakistan and other developing countries by the provision of financial and material support to Hospitals, in particular the Hope Hospital, free medical camps or clinics and organisations providing free welfare activities and healthcare for poor and vulnerable people.
Our Goals
- Provide on going material and financial support to the Hope Hospital, Murid, Chakwal, Pakistan, which caters for primary and secondary eye care along with other healthcare facilities solely for poor and vulnerable people
- Support free eye and healthcare camps in remote and underserved areas of Pakistan and other poor countries
- Setup Clean Water supply projects in far flung areas to enable the poor to have access to safe drinking water
- Establish training workshops to support youths from poor families to gain skills to make them self sufficient
- Assist poor students to achieve their full potential by gaining access to higher education
Make a difference today
Support a Free Eye Camp in your village
by calling us on 0115 845 1217