Clothes Recycling
Please don't bin your unwanted clothes.
Donate them to Al-Ain.
Thank you.
May Allah (SWT) الله سبحان و تعالىٰ accept our efforts and our supporter's donations. May Allah (SWT) reward everyone here and in the hereafter.
Jazakallah Khair - جزاك اللهُ خيراً

Al-Ain Distributes Clothes Amongst Poor Families

A big thank you to our supporters in the UK
We would like to thank everyone who supports our clothes recycling scheme. We are particularly grateful to the Masjids and shop owners, who have allowed us their space to house the clothes recycling banks.
We are always looking for new places for cloth recycling banks.
If you have a suitable place to house a clothes bank, Please contact us on 0115 845 1217 or for further information email us
Don't bin unwanted clothes, donate them to Al-Ain.
Save the Environment and Save Lives.
Thank you.
Recycle unwanted clothes.
Help the environment and help save lives.
We’re committed to supporting sustainable development. Naturally, we encourage our supporters to do the same. We can engage and take care of the environment on many levels. We all have a responsibility to improve the environment we live in, and every little counts. Therefore, please make an effort to recycle your unwanted clothes. Use one of our 50 unwanted clothes recycling sites located across the UK.
A detailed list of these sites is given below.
Help us by donating
unwanted clothes and shoes
For cash donations, please select the amount and click the donate button below.
Please donate generously. 100% of YOUR donation will go directly to help our projects - Free Eye Camps and to run & build our 100 bed Hope Hospital project.
May Allah (SWT) الله سبحان و تعالىٰ accept our efforts and our supporter's donations. May Allah (SWT) reward everyone here and in the hereafter.
Jazakallah Khair - جزاك اللهُ خيراً
Make a difference today
Support a Free Eye Camp in your village
by calling us on 0115 845 1217